Thursday, February 8, 2018

Week 3 - Improve listening skills by podcast

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The articles for this week share important information about authentic listening by podcasts and the integration of CALL through podcasting in ESL listening. Something i learned from those articles were the word "authenticity" because this is one of the three criteria of well-designed materials for listening as podcasts. Podcasting is a new method in which audio and files are delivered on demand through the web, and shows a promise as technology can enable teachers to expand the confines of their classroom and is becoming increasingly popular in educational. Something i want to remember from those articles were that podcasts provide a high variety of accents, topics, situations and contexts from native speakers. If students use a high variety of authentic materials during learning activities they will noticed the importance and purpose of the task. Moreover, podcasts motive to students; for example if students can understand a podcast between to native speakers they feel motive to continue practice those kind of podcast and at the same time students improve their listening skill. A belief of mine that was confirmed was podcasts are very common during listening classes because it is a recorded material.

To conclude, every teacher should know that when they teach listening the use must be for "learning to listen" and "listening for learning" those phrases were my favorite one from those articles. Also, my favorite podcast website is because it is nice to hear the children's questions.

(ESL) English as a Second Language.


  1. Hi Melani i hope you are ok. i totally agree with you with the fact you mentioned that activities using podcasts have to include also a purpose,it is not just to go into a classroom and play an audio but it is to make students comprehend why the use of it will help in their learning process. Moreover, it is important to know that to helps students to manage this technology tools,teachers have also to know how to do it and be prepare to face new coming challenges.

    1. Thank you jeny to comment my blog so i think that the technology is a useful tool in which teachers can use to give a class incorporating all the skills and this help to students too. :)

  2. Hi Melani,I like the view you have about this reading. when i started to study english i had some problems with the listening, and to be honest nobody helped to improve this area,i just practiced in the classroom. nowadays teachers must pay attention when a student is doing well the job, if not, this kind of tool can be used for the students in order to proctice outside to the classroom. Very useful tool in my opinion.

    1. Hi joshua, i agree with you because some teachers are not interesting in their learning process, but it is important that teachers monitoring the work of the students in their classroom.
